Referencing By Coordinates Common (RCE)
Referencing By Coordinates Common (RCE) Version: 1.0

RCE 1.0 is an XML Schema implementation derived from ISO 19111, Geographic information — Spatial referencing by coordinates. It includes abstract classes shared by multiple namespaces and is required in order to enable modularization of the XML implementation. The XML schema was encoded using the rules described in ISO/TS 19139:2007, Clause 8 and implementation approach from ISO/TS 19115-3, Clause 8.
XML Namespace for rce 1.0
The namespace URI for rce 1.0 is http://standards.iso.org/iso/19111/rce/1.0
XML Schema for rce 1.0
rce.xsd is the XML Schema document to be referenced by XML documents containing XML elements in the rce 1.0 namespace or by XML Schema documents importing the rce 1.0 namespace. This XML schema includes (indirectly) all the implemented concepts of the rce namespace, but it does not contain the declaration of any types.
A zip archive including all the XML Schema Implementations defined in ISO/TS 19115-3 and related standards is also available. |
No Related XML Namespaces for rce 1.0
Working Versions
When revisions to these schema become necessary, they will be managed in the ISO TC211 Git Repository.